Thursday, October 30, 2014

Digital Citizenship

Over the next few weeks we will discuss online safety. This week we will begin by learning about the "Online Community." We will explore the many different things we can do online and some of the most important things we need to remember in order to stay safe:

Watch this video on What is the Internet.

Watch this Pause and Think music video.

Similar to the rules our parents have taught us to keep us safe in our neighborhoods and communities... Similar to the rules our parents have taught us to keep us safe in our neighborhoods and communities... 

  • Always go places with an adult.
  • Don’t wander off on your own.
  • Talk only with people you know.

Watch this video on internet safety: 

What are Jeremiah's main rules to stay safe online?

With the remaining time, click HERE and complete the Bad Guy Patrol activities.

Click HERE to complete Clicky's Net Quest

Click HERE to go to Disney's Surf Swell Island

2nd Grade Click HERE Complete the Online Assessment

Friday, October 24, 2014

Fall Digital Drawings

This week we will draw some fall images (pumpkins, apples, leaves, etc.) using Kid Pix. We will review the basic tools and functions of Kid Pix, and we will use these tools to design and draw a fall themed picture.

This activity will help with mouse control, learning how to navigate a digital program, and basic art/design elements in a digital format.

1) Open KidPix

2) Design and draw a fall themed picture using the drawing and paint tools introduced last week.

3) Print picture.

4) With remaining time, students can free draw/design.

Maker Event at Forest Park

Saturday, October 25th from 10-2PM, Forest Park will be hosting and maker event for students around the Portland metro area.

Stop by anytime and visit on the many different activities (programming, hydraulic judo robots, hummingbird kits, sewing, air compressor rockets, LED bug kits, and more).

Pizza Schmizza will be selling food and drinks.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Online Writing

This week we will work on writing and formatting using Google Apps. Students will write about their favorite thing to do in fall. We will practice typing, formatting, and inserting images.

1) Before working on the fall document click HERE, we'll do some quick math fact fluency practice.

2) Click on your teacher's name below to access the shared presentation.



Classroom and Apps

This week we will review and practice accessing Google Classroom and completing/formatting work using Google Apps.

1) Review how to access Google Classroom.

2) Log-in to Google Classroom.

3) Access and completing assignments shared with you, small-group assignments, single shared document, etc.

4) If there's any time remaining, log-in to Typing Agent and work on a typing lesson.





Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Math Fact Fluency

This year, we will work regularly with technology to practice and improve math fact fluency.

This week, we will introduce XtraMath and use different online math programs to practice math fact fluency.

1) Click HERE to go to XtraMath. Enter the class code.

2) Sign-in with your pin and complete a fact fluency 2 minute practice. Every week we will complete a fact fluency practice either in technology class or in your regular classroom.

3) With any remaining class time, click HERE to select some math learning activities for extra practice.

Fall Group Presentation

This week we will work together as a class to create a fall-themed writing presentation using Google Apps. Students will write, format and insert appropriate images related to fall. Each students' work will be shared with the class and students will learn how to comment on other students' work.

1) Click on the link to your class presentation:




2) Create a slide and put your name on the top so that other students know that it's your slide.

3) Begin by selecting an image that is fall-related.

4) Write about the image and how it represents your favorite fall activity.

5) Format your slide (font size, font type, color, location, etc.).

6) When everyone is done with their slide we will look at each others' slides and make positive comments.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Google Apps and the Chromebooks

This week we will learn how to create work in Google Apps, and how the Chromebook can be used to make working in Google Apps much easier and more efficient.

Students will learn how to use a Chromebook in combination with their Google Apps accounts, and will be able to demonstrate their understanding about how to use Google Apps by completing a challenge activity.

1) Review the process/procedures/rules for using Chromebooks in the classroom.

2) Select a Chromebook and note the number on the Chromebook. This will be your assigned Chromebook when using them off of the cart at school.

3) Log-in with your PPS Google Apps account and follow the steps to create a user profile so that in the future, you only need your password to log-in.

4) Practice creating work using various Google Apps programs.

5) Complete the following Richard Byrne challenge activity using Google Docs:

Google Documents challenge #1:
1. Create a new document. 
2. Insert a hyperlink and an image or drawing into your document. 
3. Invite two other people to collaborate on your document. 
4. Use the chat or comment box to ask one of your collaborators to remove the drawing or image you inserted in step 2 above.
5. Create a section in your document to collaboratively brainstorm ideas for using Google Docs in your classroom. 
6. Publish your document to the web. 
7. Download a copy of your document.
6) If there's time, click HERE to contribute to this shared document.

Typing and Google Classroom

This week we will review typing fundamentals, and continue practicing using Typing Agent.

With the new standards, and use of Google Apps (3-5 grade), students will have plenty of opportunity to practice typing this year. For students to improve their typing speed and accuracy, it is critical that they practice using good fundamentals (proper body and finger positioning, using the right finger on the right key, don't look down at the keys, etc.).

Typing Agent is a great tool to practice typing with sound fundamentals, and to monitor student progress.

This is one of the only times we dedicate a full class to keyboarding. After this week, it is students' responsibility to practice at home. We will check-in throughout the year.

1) Review typing fundamentals.

2) Click HERE for Typing Agent.

3) Begin with the Pre-Test.

4) After the Pre-Test we will outline the lessons and a strategy for using Typing Agent throughout the year.

5) Students can complete typing lessons with any remaining time.

6) We will set-up a Google Classroom for each class. Teachers will set-up a class and students will log-in to Google Classroom and enter the class code to join.

Google Classroom

Intro to IXL and Math Practice

Students will practice their basic math fact fluency, as well as their computer navigation skills, by using online math programs.

1) Click HERE to access and log-in to IXL.

2) Learn how to find math practice on IXL and the basics about practicing math using on online program.

3) If there's time, click HERE for additional math practice.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Mouse Practice Part III

This week we will continue practicing our mouse skills as well as navigating different websites and tabs. As we improve these skills, we will be able to do more-and do it more quickly-in the coming weeks and months.

1) Review mouse driving tips and tricks.

2) Click HERE to practice clicking on more difficult things.

3) Open KidPix. Learn the basics of how to paint/draw/erase.

4) Use the mouse to paint or draw your name and decorate the canvas.

5) If there's time, click HERE to drive a car through the town without hitting the curbs.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Mouse Navigation Practice and Keyboarding

This week, we will practice using the mouse to navigate different website obstacles so that students can become faster and more efficient using different digital tools and web-programs.

We will introduce typing basics and log-in to Typing Agent. Students will practice using the program and completing typing skills.

1) Review scrolling, links, URL address, tabs, back arrow.

2) Click HERE to practice clicking and navigating websites.

3) Introduce keyboarding basics and the importance of learning how to type.

4) Click HERE to go to Typing Agent and log-in using the same log-in info as IXL.

5) Learn how to use the program, and access typing lessons and games.