Sunday, January 11, 2015

Landmark Presentation

This week we will work on creating a digital presentation about the landmark students have been researching the past few weeks. We will create a Google Presentation and then turn it into a MoveNote video/audio presentation.

1) Log-into Google Apps and create a new Google Presenatation.

2) Title your presentation and add 5 slides.

Slide 1-Intro (name, landmark)
Slide 2-Location (Google Map or Earth image copied and pasted) 
Slide 3-Main idea of body paragraph 1.
Slide 4-Main idea of body paragraph 2.
Slide 5-Main idea of body paragraph 3.
Slide 6-Conclusion

3) Spend this week and next week adding info and preparing the presentation to be turned into a MoveNote.

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