Friday, May 29, 2015

Zoo Observations

This week we will explore different animals and their habitats. We will view them using live webcams and record observations.

As you view different webcams, think about these questions for each animal you observe:
  • What is the animal doing?
  • What do you notice about the animal's habitat?
  • How does the animal move?
  • How does the animal interact with others?
  • What else do you think the animal does in this habitat?
  • What do you notice when you look closely at the images?
  • What would a scientist notice about this animal?

Select from the following webcam options:

Houston Zoo

Seattle Zoo

San Diego Zoo Kid's Zone

Monterey Bay Aquarium

Animal Planet Assorted Webcams


Google Street View Oceans

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Scratch Programming

This week we will learn about, and begin using, a basic programming software called Scratch. The goal for this week is to become familiar with the features of the program and how to use them in order to begin programming.

1) Click HERE to take a FP Technology Survey. We will go through it together.

2) Click HERE to open the online Scratch editor. 

3) Click HERE to complete at least 2 Scratch card tutorials. 

If there's time:  

4) Click HERE to work on at least 2 different video tutorials.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Before we start this week's activities:

Click HERE to practice XtraMath.

This week we will learn about, and begin using, a basic programming software called Scratch. The goal for this week is to become familiar with the features of the program and how to use them in order to begin programming.

1)Watch this Scratch Intro Video

2) Click HERE to open the Getting Started with Scratch Document and practice using Scratch. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Scratch Programming

This week we will learn about, and begin using, a basic programming software called Scratch. The goal for this week is to become familiar with the features of the program and how to use them in order to begin programming.

Before working on Scratch, please click HERE and complete a FP survey.

1) Click HERE to open the online Scratch editor. 

2) Click HERE to complete at least 2 Scratch card tutorials. 

If there's time:  

3) Click HERE to work on at least 2 different video tutorials.

Mission U.S.

Thanks for being patient during testing. We will begin the next technology unit in the next week or two. This week, we will learn about the Revolutionary War period of American History using an informative online simulation.

Click HERE and select the perspective you would like to use (colonist or slave).

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Interactive Musical Program

The Makey Makey can be used to create interactive art, animations, music, or game. This week we will focus on music by writing a program using Scratch and then controling our program using the Makey Makey. Once you have created the basic program, you can add art elements or other interactive features.


  • Modify a Scratch musical program to work with the Makey Makey.
  • Experiment using different materials with the Makey Makey to control the program.
  • Customize the music program by adding additional interactive elements.

**Before completing your Scratch Program, click HERE to complete a FP Tech survey.

1) Review this Music Example (Choir) and discuss how it can be modified to work with the Makey Makey.

2) Write a similar program using controls that work with the Makey Makey.

3) Test your program, and use different conductive materials to make your program run (be creative).

Keefer Class Link

Portland Bridge Tour

This week we will begin to create a tour of the Portland Bridges. To support classroom learning about the Portland Bridges, we will be using Tour Builder (with Google Earth) to build unique tours about the history and characteristics of the different Portland bridges.

**Before TourBuilder, please click HERE and complete a FP Technology Survey.

1) Visit the Tour Builder website.

2) Log-in using your Google Apps ID.

3) Select "Create a Tour."

4) Choose a bridge as a starting point.

5) Learn how to create placemarks and input pictures, videos, text, etc. for various major locations along the Willamette and Columbia rivers.

Click HERE to share your tour.

Shapes Practice

This week we will learn more about shapes using different online activities.

1) Shape Find

2) Magical Shape Hunt

3) 3D Shape

4) Shape Nets


Advanced (Count Cubes)

Click HERE.

Click HERE for more practice.

Click HERE for more practice.