Sunday, May 17, 2015

Interactive Musical Program

The Makey Makey can be used to create interactive art, animations, music, or game. This week we will focus on music by writing a program using Scratch and then controling our program using the Makey Makey. Once you have created the basic program, you can add art elements or other interactive features.


  • Modify a Scratch musical program to work with the Makey Makey.
  • Experiment using different materials with the Makey Makey to control the program.
  • Customize the music program by adding additional interactive elements.

**Before completing your Scratch Program, click HERE to complete a FP Tech survey.

1) Review this Music Example (Choir) and discuss how it can be modified to work with the Makey Makey.

2) Write a similar program using controls that work with the Makey Makey.

3) Test your program, and use different conductive materials to make your program run (be creative).

Keefer Class Link

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